Unity Centre is closing: public statement

We would like to announce that The Unity Centre will be closing at the end of December 2023. The decision to close the Centre has been made through a series of meetings and reflections by our elders, former members and the current collective team since 2022.

Unity has been open since 2006 and through all these years, the office and the space has offered invaluable assistance whilst championing the cause for No Borders. Most importantly, the support of all our volunteers, collective members and contributors has helped us to keep the office open to support our community.

The Centre has been run by the Unity Centre Collective and volunteers, with no paid staff. This has been a great achievement to have sustained all through these years.

Much can be said about the work that we have done including being one of the very few Centres that was open during the lockdown period. We supported the most vulnerable people and those who were placed in the hotels. We welcome you to check out some of the projects that our former team members had put together that highlight some of our work.

Radio show about the Unity Centre

Unity Centre: A History zine

The current collective wants to thank everyone who has been involved in Unity throughout the history of the centre. We also want to acknowledge and celebrate the offshoot projects that have stemmed from Unity. The list includes:

The Arabic/English Language Exchange

The Netball Club, Sewing Club and Football Club

Herbal Unity Clinic

Unity Sisters

Ubuntu Women’s Shelter

Unity LGBT


No Evictions Network 

Fanzclub CIC

We also want to thank the following groups and organisations that we have connected with over the years: School’s ABC, Unis Resist Border Controls, Detained Voices, Lesbian & Gays Support the Migrants, All African Women’s Group, various Anti-Raids networks, SOAS Detainee Support, Docs Not Cops and the ‘Stanstead 15’, Doctors of the World, Medical Justice, MASI, Local MP and MSP Caseworkers, GCP, MIN, SRC, Refuweegee, PAIH, Red Cross, Ibrox GP Practice and Library, National Zakat Foundation, Aberlour, ARIKA, Buttle